
Publish a new place, event or write an article on random topics and earn points.

Step 1 - Get the Name of the Place

Get the name of the place. Check with friends or ask the owner. It can be the official name (preferred) or a familiar name.

Step 2 - Gather Key Info

There are no Limits. Get pictures, use your Phone to get the GPS Information, Opening and Closing Times, pictures, payment types etc

Step 3 - Submit for Points

Select category below and submit the information. Once it has been validated, it's online and your points are credited.

Service Provider

Ideal for anyone who provides services such as repairmen, hair dressers, plumbers, accountants, lessons teachers and similar.


Perfect to highlight your neighborhood bar, avenue lounge and similar food and drinks.

Retail Outlet

All the computer stores, groceries, hardware, eye wear specialist, road side market, farmers market, lotto outlets, Home Stores, Variety stores and more.

woman on beach

Outdoor Activities

Operate an outdoor business. This category is perfect for hiking groups, social clubs, water sport providers and similar.

Bar & Lounge

Perfect to highlight your neighborhood bar, avenue lounge and similar food and drinks.

Street Food

Doubles Vendors, BBQ spots, gyro favourites, souse, punch men, sandwiches and other street delicacies that we love.

Villa & Guest House

Owners of Villas, Guests houses, Small hotels B&B. Optimized for the Accommodation business.


A specialized category for those who serve the travel and vacation industry. Suitable for Tour Guides, Ground Transport and Travel Agencies.


Ideal for private schools, day care centres, kindergarten specialists.

Transport Info

Taxi Stands, Car Parks, Car Rental companies, Taxi providers.

Health Service

Setup for private doctors, herbalist, pharmacy, medical lab, psychologists and other health care providers including Vets.


Promoters, event planners, artists, photographers, gallery owners, pan yards add your event here.