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Stew Gizzard – Creole Breakfast, Trinidad and Tobago

Seasoned gizzard fried in caramelized brown sugar (stew). Serve with hops, bake, sada or crix.

Nut Cake – Creole Desserts, Trinidad and Tobago

A blend of peanuts, ginger and sugar.

Pastelle – Creole Desserts, Trinidad and Tobago

A Christmas delicacy made from pork, beef, olive,s raisins and other seasonings wrapped in a corn dough then covered in banana leaves and steamed.

Souse – Creole Street Food, Trinidad and Tobago

Boiled pig trotters or chicken foot seasoned with pepper, cucumber, onion salt and lime.

Pawpaw (Papaya) Balls – Creole Desserts, Trinidad and Tobago

Grated pawpaw, granulated sugar, green colouring and lime juice stirred over medium heat. When cooled, roll in sugar and enjoy!

Bodi – East Indian Breakfast, Trinidad and Tobago

A type of long bean that is chopped and mixed with sauted garlic, onion, pimento, seasoning and diluted curry powder.

Tobago Blue Food Festival, Tobago

The coastal village of Bloody Bay will once again be

Tomato Choka – East Indian Breakfast, Trinidad and Tobago

Roasted or boiled tomato (skin removed) creamed with chopped onion and fried garlic (chongkay), seasoned with salt and pepper. Most tasty with sada.

Tobago Stew Chicken and Provision

In Speyside Tobago you can find some of the best

Alloo Pie – East Indian Street Food, Trinidad and Tobago

A soft fried bread filled with seasoned and spiced potato.